Journalists and Communication experts meet in Hull, Québec to discuss theory and practice of Communication for Social Change
Journalists and Communication experts meet in Hull, Québec to discuss theory and practice of Communication for Social Change.
Experts from Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, United States and across Canada will meet Secretary of State, Mr. Kilgour and discuss the roles of media and development organisations in communication for social change.
Date: May 1 & 2, 2003
Where: Four Points Sheraton, 35 rue Laurier, Hull, Québec
Guest Speakers include:
The Honourable David Kilgour, P.C., M.P. Secretary of State Asia-Pacific
Professor Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank (Bangladesh) – by video and teleconference
Mr. J. Mark Stiles, Stiles Associates Inc. (Canada)
Mr. Satya Brata Das, Cambridge Strategies Inc. (Canada)
Mr. Afsan Chowdhury, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Commission (Bangladesh)
Mr. Mohammad Waseem, Interactive Resource Centre (Pakistan)
Ms. Rubina Feroze Bhatti, Taangh Wasaib (Pakistan)
Ms. Bandana Rana, Women’s Media Forum (Nepal)
Ms. Jayalakshmi Chittoor, Bellanet (Canada)
Dr. Harun-ur-Rashid, Community Development Library (Bangladesh)
Mr. Andre Oliver, Rockefeller Foundation (United States)
Ms. Susan Rimkus, University of Guelph (Canada)
These speakers are coming to Ottawa/Hull as resource persons for the Communication for Social Change Forum organized by South Asia Partnership Canada. Participants will share their experiences and strategies with Canadian Non-Government Organizations, academics, students, and government officials.
For more information, contact:
Jodie McGrath
Forum Coordinator
South Asia Partnership Canada
613-241-1333 ext. 229
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