SAP in Sri Lanka
South Asia Partnership Sri Lanka (SAPSRI) was established in 1981 and has been actively involved in supporting over 500 village-based organizations to uplift the socio-economic status of the country’s marginalized population. In its early years, SAPSRI acted primarily as an intermediary between community-based organizations and donor agencies.
In 1992, SAPSRI focussed its efforts on long-term deveopment by introducing the Cluster Development Program, which forms the core of SAPSRI programs today. The Cluster Development Program is a people-centred development model that links groups with shared concerns into self-reliatn communities. The Cluster Development Program, now active in more than 150 villages in 10 districts across the country, helps empower individuals by stengthening their capacity to improve their lives and communities.
At the present time, SAPSRI continues to build human capacity through programs that focus on the following areas: human resource development, enterprise development, child-focussed development, promotion of peace and harmony and local governance. SAPSRI has broadened its network of support to include innovative partnerships with international non-governmental organizations, citizen¹s groups and the private sector.
Postal address:
South Asia Partnership Sri Lanka
1175/2 Lake Crescent
Kotte Road, Rajagiriya, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Telephone 00 94 11 5353478, 00 94 11 5344331
Fax 00 94 11 5353478