SAP Canada Values Statement
South Asia Partnership Canada
April 2003
1. Principles
SAP Canada adheres to and promotes the Development Principles of SAP International, to which it belongs. These principles are stated as:
1. Development is a participatory process leading to self-reliance and the realisation of full human potential.
2. Development should be people-centred in its purpose, focus and impact.
3. Development should enable people to organize themselves around sustainable, just and equitable actions.
4. Development should be environmentally and economically sustainable and not jeopardize the well-being of future generations.
5. Development should be guided by democratic values and practices.
6. Development should impact on strategic issues and major challenges in society.
7. Development should promote social, political and economic justice.
8. Development should reflect the concerns, perspectives and experience of women, and enable women to realize their full economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.
9. Development should respect the cultural and spiritual rights and integrity of all peoples without undermining individual rights.
10. Development should both require and facilitate the full participation in political and economic decision-making by marginalized individuals and groups.
SAP Canada is also committed to a similar set of principles through its membership in the Canadian Council for International Cooperation.
2. Values
In the implementation of its programs and the conduct of its business, SAP Canada holds the following values:
§ To build open, cooperative, trusting relationships with other organizations.
§ To advance integrity, transparency and accountability
§ To strive for quality and effectiveness in our actions
§ To promote equality among peoples
§ To promote gender equality
§ To be non-discriminatory and inclusive in our practices
§ To learn continuously from our own and others’ experiences
§ To encourage flexibility and innovation.
3. Ethics
SAP Canada aims to maintain the highest possible standards for ethical conduct as a non-profit, civil society organization. We are committed to the Code of Ethics of both SAP International and CCIC. These standards are defined in the following spheres of activity:
§ Governance – to govern the organization fairly, impartially and responsibly, to invite membership without discrimination, to uphold gender equality and participation of minorities, to avoid conflict of interest, and to be open and transparent in our decisions.
§ Organizational Integrity – to avoid any wrongdoing or financial impropriety, to take prompt and firm action when any questionable action is taken by any of our Directors, staff or volunteers, to respect the values of others with whom we cooperate, and to recognize that our actions reflect on the wider international development community.
§ Finances – to manage our finances to assure the most appropriate use of funds and full accountability to donors and stakeholders, to budget prudently particularly with respect to administrative and fundraising costs, to conduct fundraising activities according to the highest legal and ethical standards, and to make available annual audited financial statements by a qualified, independent accountant according to generally accepted accounting principles and requirements.
§ Communications to the Public – to describe accurately SAP Canada’s identity, purpose, programs and needs, to provide responsible information and analysis, to avoid misleading statements, and to respect in our communications the dignity and values of other people.
§ Management Practice and Human Resources – to follow sound management and business practices, to assure fair treatment to staff, volunteers and partners in all matters, and to work for gender equality and minority participation.
Full statements of SAP International’s and CCIC’s Code of Ethics are available on request from SAP Canada and the respective organizations.