SAP Canada in South Asia
SAP Canada is part of the international South Asia Partnership system, coordinated in South Asia by SAP International and consisting of SAP Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka Canada Development Fund. As a regional network of over a thousand NGOs and CBOs, SAP is uniquely placed to offer Canadians information, access and links to the NGO community, as well as to activists, research institutes, and the media. SAP Canada members can be direct partners of SAP Asia programs or participate in network activities in South Asia.
In these ways, SAP Canada aims, within SAP International and where appropriate with government and other organizations, to enrich the work of Canadian development agencies, improve grassroots development actions, provide a framework for regional programs, and relate to the strategic development issues of South Asia.
Each national SAP in Asia an autonomous, indigenous NGO, connecting a network of local community-based organization and other NGOs. The Boards are composed of senior NGO leaders within the country, usually directors of established agencies with many years experience in development work. The Boards oversee offices where professional staff manage the ongoing program of working with local CBOs and their activities.
All SAP Asia organizations within the network pursue the same basic goals:
- To strengthen the capacity of indigenous NGOs to attack poverty’s root causes and consequences;
- To address poverty in areas that are not usually reached by governmental or non-governmental development agencies; and,
- To form linkages and promote partnership among NGOs both within South Asia and internationally.
Read more about SAP International on-line.