Pakistan Non-Government Organization Support Program
- Pakistan NGO Support Program
Since 1987, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has supported SAP Canada as Canadian executing agency (CEA) for the Pakistan NGO Support Program (PNSP), with SAP Pakistan as the organization on the ground in Pakistan. This program supports Canada’s official development aid priorities, promoting basic human needs, women in development and human rights.
The purpose of the program is to enable, strengthen and empower the Pakistani community organisations and networks to become effective agents of social, economic and political change. It aims to achieve this objective through:
- Capacity-building to train a critical mass of Pakistani CBOs/NGOs in participatory and self-reliant development initiatives;
- The development of a wide-based network of Pakistani NGOs with a shared development vision;
- The promotion of women’s participation within NGO programs and communities, as well as, through local government bodies; and
- Building of long-term linkages with Canadian and Pakistani NGOs.
Our Program is a CIDA Success Story – Read More
Pakistan NGO Support in Canada
The Canadian linkage and partnership development program of the PNSP aims to increase Canadian awareness and support of development issues in Pakistan using a three-pronged approach:
- development education, foster dialogues, exchanges and learning to inform Canadians on gender equity, good governance, social justice and the promotion of all human rights, drawing on SAP Pakistan’s experience in the field.
- partnership development, focusing on building linkages, understanding, solidarity, as well as, project support for Canadian and Pakistani organisations working for social change.
- NGO consultation held with both Canadian and Pakistani partners in Pakistan.
Through regular seminars, workshops, and brown bag lunches, the development education component of the PNSP has focused on engaging a diverse group of organisations in Pakistani development issues: NGOs, research and academic institutions, media, South Asian community organisations and ordinary Canadians. The PNSP also participates in SAP Canada’s South Asian regional forums by providing a Pakistan perspective on important sustainable development issues, highlighting issues to the attention of policymakers and NGOs for possible programming.