Welcome to South Asia Partnership Canada’s web site.
SAP Canada serves as a forum of Canadian organizations that, together and with South Asian partners, works for sustainable human development in the region.
Contact rharmston [at] sapcanada.org for more information.
Mailing address:
Richard Harmston, SAP Canada
c/o HCI
877 Shefford Road,
Ottawa, ON, K1J 8H9
Tel. 613-828-0372.
SAP Canada’s Vision
SAP Canada’s vision is to maintain and improve itself within Canada as a centre of knowledge on South Asia and as a force for closer ties between Canadians and South Asians for human development.
SAP Canada’s Mandate
- To build a strong base of support for development in South Asia and encourage policies and programs that will benefit disadvantaged people there
- To facilitate the sharing of ideas, experience and resources among organizations and the Canadian public on South Asian development;
- To mobilize Canadian support for and participation in the development programs of SAP International member organizations and their partners;
- To manage development programs within its mandate and the common interest of its members.
Donate to SAP Canada via Canada Helps
Due to lack of funding, SAP Canada closed its office and ceased active programming in May 2011. The organization maintains its contacts with former program partners, participates in relevant meetings and dialogue about the South Asia region and is determining whether potential funding sources exist or if it should dissolve.
SAP Canada would like to thankfully acknowledge the Canadian Partnership Branch of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) for their past financial support of SAP Canada programming.