CIDA India Desk– South Asia Partnership Canada has a long-term relationship with the India desk of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Through CIDA, the India desk Canada, contributes to poverty reduction and sustainable development in India by supporting: economic reform; social development; and environmental management.
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative– The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) is an independent, non-partisan, international non-governmental organisation, mandated to ensure the practical realization of human rights in the countries of the Commonwealth. CHRI’s objectives are to promote awareness of and adherence to the Harare Commonwealth Declaration, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other internationally recognised human rights instruments, as well as domestic instruments supporting human rights in Commonwealth member states.
Ekta Parishad– Ekta Parishad (“united forum”) is a mass movement based on Gandhian principles of non-violence. It mobilizes people (especially the poor) on the issue of proper and just utilization of livelihood resources (i.e. primarily land, forest, and water). It focuses its numerous local campaigns on the state governments with the aim of implementing existing laws and policies favorable to the poor. It promotes self-reliant and decentralized development, Ekta Parishad is working to combat “structural violence” and to achieve social, political and economic change through non-violent and democratic methods.