What is SAP International?
SAP Canada is a member of SAP International (SAP I), an international non-governmental organization with its Secretariat in Colombo, Sri Lanka. SAP I was created in 1995 by its constituent national SAP organizations in six countries – including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Canada – that had worked together since the early 1980s. SAP I’s purpose is to focus the aggregate SAP work in the region, strengthen and support the SAP organizations, and promote regional programming. In this past year, the SAP network has adopted “governance” as its unifying theme for work at the local through international levels. Within the theme are the emphases on the participation of women in political processes and citizens activism to strengthen civil society. In 1999, with its members, SAP International launched its first regional program on local governance: parallel community-based actions linked through SAP I.
South Asia Partnership International
GPO Box 23025,
Sanepa, Sanchal 2, Lalitpur
Tel : 977-1-5522234 / 5528612 / 5553126
E-mail : info@sapi.org.np
Web Site: www.sapint.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/South-Asia-Partnership-International-SAP-I-334443826473/