Healing and Reconciliation for War-Affected Children and Communities: Learning from the Butterfly Garden of Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province
Posting Date: 20 Sep 00
Author(s): Robert Chase, Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
Health Reach’s Sri Lankan project led to a survey of over 300 school children affected in three different districts by armed conflict. This was the first investigation of the 17-year war’s psychological impact on Sri Lankan children. During the 100-day cease-fire in 1995 a month of field work took survey teams of trained local women into Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim communities with histories of armed conflict to interview 9-11 year old schoolchildren (year 6) over a four-day process that included home visits. The study’s methods, findings and recommendations were published and disseminated in Sri Lanka , and elsewhere .
To read more, Robert Chase’s full paper is available for download in PDF below.
Attached file: Butterfly Garden Robert Chase