SAP in Nepal
South Asia Partnership-Nepal (SAP-Nepal) is a voluntary, non-government development organization. Since its inception in 1985, it has developed its own approach to sustainable development from first-hand, grassroots experience. It has always promoted the building of the capacity of those working at the grassroots level for poverty alleviation.
Having served as a donor agency for a decade, it officially assumed the role of a national NGDO in 1994. SAP-N firmly believes that as a national organization it can contribute more directly to the pursuit of developing human potential. Its aim is to tap such human resources and create opportunities for the marginalized to reach a decision-making level.
SAP – Nepal is currently operating through four regional offices, covering 62 of the 75 districts of Nepal, and in partnership with about 1,000 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). It not only helps develop participatory sustainable development models but also helps build development and gender perspectives by discussing current developmental issues with the local grassroots CSOs.
Nepal is still in a state of transition with a young democracy. There are new opportunities and NGDOs are now also facing monitoring pressures as the old order gives way to the new. SAP-Nepal is bracing itself for future challenges. The change in the Nepalese political system has brought along a change in the accountability procedure and the commitment of civil society organizations. Government and non-government organizations have taken the responsibility of alleviating poverty. A few of SAP-Nepal’s programs:
The Long Term Partnership Program (LTPP) was introduced in 1991/92 as an integrated capacity-building program for partner organizations. The major features of those 5-year programs were social mobilization, human resource development and institutional development. For the first time, the concept of institutional capacity development along with paid volunteerism was introduced. The success of this program has led to its development and continuation in successive years. The Human Resource Development Program (HRDP) was initiated by SAP-Nepal in 1989 with the objective to build up the capacity of its partners NGDOs in social organization skills and participatory program management. The training is conducted in the areas which vary from accounts, savings and credit management to the areas of situation analysis, gender and Development, organization management/development and program planning and management.
In 1997, SAP-N also initiated a diploma level course on Social Development Planning and Management (SDPM), the first of its kind in Nepal. This was initiated in response to the increasing need for committed and competent development workers for NGDOs working in rural areas.
In 1993 the Nepal India Conservation of Environment (NICE) Program was launched in the Mid-Western region of Nepal to promote the use of biogas as an alternative source of energy. This program also introduced the concept of multi-models and multi-donors. Similarly, other regional and international programs like the LAMP follow-up and the Capacity-building study also became regular features of SAP-N activities. SAP-N has established three resource centers in the regions and one in Kathmandu to provide support services to partner and potential partner organizations. The resource centres were established under the first phase of one of SAP-N’s major on-going programs, “Participatory Approach towards Holistic Development” or the PATH Development Program. The goal of the second phase, started in January 2000, is the promotion of good governance for society building.
The NGOs and CBOs working with SAP-N have been categorized according to their needs, prospects and understanding of the development situation. The scanning of the profiles and organizational environment of Nepalese NGOs and CBOs has provided an insight into the development of the future vision of SAP-N.
SAP Nepal
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
G P O : 3827
Telephone : 4223230, 4223050
Fax: 4241338