Post-Election Pakistan: New Risks, Challenges and Opportunities
21 Nov 02
South Asia Partnership Canada
Invites you to a post-election seminar on
Post-Election Pakistan: New Risks, Challenges and Opportunities
When: Thursday, November 21, 2002, 2 PM to 4:30 PM
Where: National Press Club of Canada, Dining Room, Booth Building, 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario
While General Pervez Musharraf envisioned a secular Pakistan, his support to the United States for the �war on terror� sparked the rise of Islamic parties who gained an unprecedented 60 seats in the October 2002 elections. This seminar will address the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and militarism and its impact on the lives of ordinary Pakistanis.
South Asia Partnership Pakistan, which receives funding in part from the Canadian International Development Agency, has a network of over 2,000 community-based organizations involved in political education for a democratic society that respects human rights and gender equality. This seminar will examine new risks, challenges and opportunities for Pakistanis as well as Canadians in post-election Pakistan.
Mr. Mohammed Tahseen
Executive Director
South Asia Partnership Pakistan
Mr. Irfan Mufti
Senior Program Manager
South Asia Partnership Pakistan
Dr. Qurat ul-Ain Bukhtiari
Institute of Development Services and Practices
Dr. Bukhtairi is renowned for her 25 years of work in community-based development. Highlights of her career include founding 1,500 informal schools for girls in tribal Balochistan, in western Pakistan, and working with the homeless in the Orangi Pilot Project in Karachi. She is a member of SAP Pakistan�s Board of Directors.
For more information and RSVP please contact:
Neena Sachdeva, Program Manager Pakistan, SAP Canada
Phone: (613) 241-1333 ext 227, Fax (613) 241-1129
Email: Web Site: