Certificate course in “Community Driven Development”
20 December, 2014
South Asia Partnership Nepal (a national professional support non-governmental organization having two decades of experience on rendering different packages of trainings) and Bala Vikasa People Development Training Centre (BV PDT), Hyderabad, India (a non-governmental voluntary organization with 22 years of rendering noble services of training) are pleased to announce a certificate course in “Community Driven Development” (CDD) for Nepalese NGOs, corporate organizations and development practitioners and academicians . This residential training is scheduled from 9 March – 15 March 2015 at South Asia Participatory Development Exchange Centre (SAPDEC) Premises, Sauraha, Chitwan, Nepal. The training will be facilitated by well experienced trainers of BV PDTC, India. The medium of training will be in English.
This program is targeted and specially designed to increase the level of understanding of the participants on community development concepts and familiarize them with various approaches and tools that can be applied in the process of sustainable development. It is also designed in theoretical and practical aspects of various approaches, methodologies and tools for development practitioners working in Community Development to meet current and emerging demands for making developmental interventions more inclusive, effective and efficient. The course is designed to be fully participatory and will build upon the experiences of the participants giving ample opportunities for cross learning in the areas like Asset Based Community Development, Appreciative Inquiry, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Result Based Management etc.
The cost of the training is only Rs. 30000. But partial scholarships of Rs. 15000 are available on the first come first-serve basis. It covers travel of participants from Kathmandu to and fro Sauraha, where the training will be organized. Food and accommodation cost and training materials are also included in the training package. The maximum intake number for the training will be 25. Therefore, we request you all to confirm your participation at the earliest.
For more details on the course objectives and contents kindly refer to the CDD brochure