Pakistan Civil Society Forum Statement (edited)
February 11, 2018
The Pakistan Civil Society Forum mourns the loss of Asma Jehangir a leading human rights lawyer, fearless voice and unrelenting worker of human rights for the marginalized and oppressed of the country. Asma passed away this afternoon in Lahore as she was shifted to the hospital after suffering a terminal cardiac attack that turned for the worst.
An epiphany moment for Pakistan, the Pakistan Civil Forum grieves the departure of an outspoken and unrelenting human rights activist from its column. Her services for the country will remain unchallenged as a champion for the rights of disenfranchised and a staunch supporter of democratic Pakistan.
Just a day ago, she joined the protest by the residents of FATA demanding justice for Naqeeb ullah who was killed mercilessly in a staged police encounter by the Sindh police department.
The Pakistan Civil Society Forum pledges its resolve to carry the flag raised by Asma Jehangir for her human rights mission and rights of the oppressed of the country as she had wished so. It will keep raising voices for the marginalized and minorities of the country and remain undeterred and unabated by the forceful opposition. The Pakistan Civil Society Forum resolves to draw strength and guidance from her symbolic vision and examples in following her principled and uncompromised stand for a fair and democratic Pakistan.
Pakistan Civil Society Forum (PCSF)
See original post on SAP Pakistan Facebook.