Canada has imposed restrictions on travel for citizens of all countries due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Only essential travel in and out of Canada is permitted for both Canadian citizens and citizens of other countries. There are exemptions listed in the Order in Council. The Covid-19 Travel, quarantine and borders web page is also a Continue reading →
Ottawa: Water In South Asia – Indian and Pakistani Approaches to Sustainable Development International Development and Research Centre and South Asia Partnership Canada present WATER IN SOUTH ASIA: Indian and Pakistani Approaches to Sustainable Development R. Seenivasan, Development of Human Action Foundation (DHAN), India Tanveer Arif, Society for Conservation and Protection of the Environment (SCOPE), Continue reading →
Donate To SAP Canada Make The Link Between Canada and South Asia When City Councilor Patricia Pinto returns to her home in the Indian state of Goa, after a visit with her counterparts in Canada, she will be showing her city council photographs of Canadian garbage cans. “We don’t have garbage cans in Goa,” she Continue reading →